Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pictures of the "Ladies' Weekend Rally"

Becky with some of her friends who have been part of the Conway and Concord churches.

Becky teaching in front of the fireplace downstairs. She liked the cozy atmosphere so much she moved the ladies downstairs for the Saturday night lesson.

Our houseguest locked herself out of her bedroom so I had to break into my own house. The curious beagle is coming to offer her assistance.

Linda and me with the Scarletts and their friends from the Concord church (the O'Neills) who stayed for worship Sunday morning after the Rally.

"Ladies' Rally Weekend" With Becky Blackmon. Here is Becky with some of the ladies the first night of the program.

Friday evening was "soup night." This is my version of how to sample soups!

What a motley kitchen crew. (ha) The men really did a good job stepping up and helping with this weekend. They made it such that all of our ladies could participate in the program.

Here is Becky with Decker and Anne Clark of the Leominster, Massachusetts congregation. Decker has been a strong advocate for church growth in New England for a lot of years. he was the one responsible for getting me up here in 1986, when we helped begin the work in Southbridge, Mass.

Every Wednesday night during the winter months we put a fire in the fireplace in the fellowship room and have our Bible classes. The ladies sure enjoyed having the fire going during Ladies' Rally Weekend.

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